After you’ve submitted your claim to your insurance company, a claims adjuster will usually be assigned to your claim to investigate. You should receive a phone call, letter or email from the adjuster introducing him or herself and informing you of the general process their company – your company – follows. The adjuster will review your policy to see what coverage and deductibles you have and evaluate the type and extent of damage and/or injuries that resulted from the accident.
Some claims are simple; some are not. Here’s what you can expect from each:
- Simple claims. In cases where there is no question as to what happened (e.g.: you backed into a tree, were not injured and had $100 worth of damage to your vehicle), the adjuster may simply have you get an estimate for the cost of repairing the car and pay that amount. You’ll have to complete some paperwork, but an in-person meeting is usually not required.
- Difficult claims. In difficult cases where fault is at issue, several vehicles were involved or unusual circumstances surrounded the accident (bad weather, construction, etc.), the adjuster will generally contact those involved in the accident, including drivers, passengers, witnesses, and possibly the police officer who came to the scene to get accurate details of what really happened. The claims adjuster may conduct interviews, either in person or by phone, research traffic laws where the accident occurred and review photos of damage and hospital records to collect additional information. Once the adjuster has all the information, the claim is sent for processing and payment. Again, you’ll have to complete a certain amount of paperwork and may have to meet with an adjuster in this scenario.
How long does the process take? Generally speaking, easy cases can be settled in a matter of weeks. Difficult cases may, and generally do, take much longer – especially when fault is at issue. However, because every accident has its own facts and circumstances, determining an exact amount of time is difficult. Try not to have expectations of when the matter will be resolved, but…
Don’t sit back and wait! Once you’ve submitted a claim, don’t sit back and wait. Check in with your claims adjuster from time to time, either by phone or email, to see what progress has been made on your claim. Claims adjusters usually have hundreds of claims to settle; don’t let yours fall to the bottom of the pile.
For more help on auto insurance claims, go to the Free Advice Auto Insurance Center. For information about auto accident law, check out the Free Advice Auto Accident FAQs. To find an experienced accident and injury attorney, go to AttorneyPages.com.
I am not aware of the claim process as I have not experienced it yet but heard a lot about it. It is considered to be the most unpleasant experience that people never plan to face. But the fact is that we should make ourselves familiar with all the aspects of this process. Thanks for defining the claim process.
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